A non-profit supported by GVNG

Our mission is to be part of the solution for the global mental health crisis: by elevating individual mental health and mental fitness one mind at a time. Through the Lovesnap Gives Platform, we will build awareness through a series of events and initiatives to make the Lovesnap bracelets and other mental health tools, and resources available to those in need.


1 billion people globally are diagnosed with mental health issues.

  • Mental illness affects 1 in

    every 8 people.

    Highlighting the urgent need for widespread support

  • A roadshow of events: pop-ups and concerts that introduce

    mental health solutions, including Lovesnap

  • Alignment with other impactful mental health organizations:

    “Support, sponsor, and amplify their messages”

  • Co-innovation with
    Drs, hospitals, insurance providers and universities

  • A global collaborative campaign with corporate HR
    groups, addressing:
    Addressing mental health in the workplace


    *Corporate wellness initiatives

In 2022, over 49,000 lives were lost to suicide—one every 11 minutes
—highlighting the urgent need for stronger mental health support and interventions.


LOVESNAP GIVES tackles the mental health crisis through bold innovation, collaboration and hosting impactful fundraising events. Lovesnap will co-create customized support programs unique to the brand or organization.

  • Global collaborative campaigns with brands and organizations looking to address and improve their members/employees customers mental fitness

  • A roadshow of events: pop-ups and concerts that introduce

    mental health solutions, including Lovesnap

  • Alignment with other impactful mental health organizations:

    “Support, sponsor, and amplify their messages”

  • Co-innovation with
    Drs, hospitals, insurance providers and universities

  • A global collaborative campaign with corporate HR
    groups, addressing:
    Addressing mental health in the workplace


    *Corporate wellness initiatives